Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On the Right Track

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
~Will Rogers

Last night marked the first track practice of the season. The night started off a bit funny as I had asked my neighbor for easiest way to Tufts. She gave me the fastest way and I made it there in record time. In fact, as I was sitting outside the outdoor track, I was surprised that I was one of three cars in the lot at 7:20. Turns out, the indoor track is nowhere close to the outdoor track. I finally figured it out at 7:40 and hightailed it over to Cousens where I was supposed to be. Luckily, a few other teams had practice run late before us which resulted in me being perfectly on time. One mile warm up followed by a fun workout of running a 400 at a specific pace with a 200 cool down. Most people had no problem completing this about 6-10 more times than I did, but I really am much slower than the rest of the group. We lined up by marathon times and I was shocked at how many people were running sub 4 hour marathons. In fact, the majority were 9 minute pacers and less. As my first marathon, I am just trying to finish in a sub 13 minute mile so I can collect my medal. Heck, even a 13 minute mile and I won't be swept off the course!

What track practice taught me last night will stick with me for awhile. Some people will be faster than you in this endeavor. It is a metaphor for life. Some will be smarter, some prettier, some richer, some skinnier, etc. In the end, as long as you focus on your journey and getting to the finish line or goal, you will succeed. It is the second you start focusing on your failures, you shouldn't even get on the track to attempt the challenge as you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It is hard to admit that you are not perfect at something, but who is? It is also hard to remember that it is an achievement just attempting this challenge of a marathon and running. I think I often times write it on here as a reminder as by seeing it on paper, I find motivation to try another day and another mile.  

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